Nov. 28: Thousands Demonstrate in Buenos Aires Demanding "Choice!"
On November 25, 2005 thousands of men and women marched on Avenida de Mayo in Buenos Aires, Argentina demanding ,”Sexual education to make a choice, free contraceptives to not abort, abortion legalized to not die”. Over 100,000 signatures were delivered to the Argentine congress that pro-choice organizations have been collecting over the previous six months across the country. Those who signed the petition signed in support of the main demand of the demonstration.
The lead banner spanning across the entire street proclaimed (as seen above): “Ni una sola mujer muerta por el aborto clandestino” (“Not one more woman dead from illegal abortion”).
Below, a man wears a green scarf that symbolizes being pro-choice. He is part of delegation handing over the boxes that are files with the petitions.
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